Are You Ready?
Every morning we wake up, the world awaits us with challenges. Many are routine, some are unique. We don’t always get to choose the challenges we face, or when we face them. What we do get to choose is how we react to these challenges, and the skills and assets we have available to overcome them.
The question is, ARE YOU READY?
Ready Rifleman
Capability, Reliability, and Speed™
What We’re About
Here at Ready Rifleman we believe in personal responsibility. No one can control WHAT happens to them, but we can all control how we REACT and RESPOND. Having a robust personal toolkit of skills, tools, contacts, and assets is the personal responsibility of every capable human being. Our goal at Ready Rifleman is to provide information, implements, and insights to assist people in their pursuit of readiness in their unique context.
What We Make
Ready Rifleman started with a simple desire: We wanted to make gear, both every-day-use and tactical in nature, that fit our specific needs in our specific context. Other products we saw on the market were lacking in either form or function.
Now, we create products that are durable, useful, and practical, bringing our own unique perspective to the design and use-case of the gear we make. Some of our gear is designed to solve a specific challenge we encountered. Some of our gear is designed just to see if we can do it. All of our gear contains our unique touch to create purpose-built designs for practical use.